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Rating Phase

After the editing phase has ended, the voting phase begins. Each joined participant has the same number of initial vote tokens Tvote,0T_{\text{vote},0} which she/he can use to support or oppose arguments.

Depending on the voters preference strength PP, he can put different weight WW to her/his vote by spending more vote tokens

W(P)=C(P),W(P)= C(P),

with CC being the quadratic cost function The cost of the vote CC scales quadratically with the preference strength

C(P)=P2โ‹…TvoteC(P) = P^2 \cdot T_\text{vote}

For example, to double her/his vote weight from W=1W=1 to W=2W=2, the voter must spend C(2)=4โ€‰TvoteC(2)=4\,T_\text{vote} tokens.